Friday, April 8, 2016

The Source Of A Skylight Leak In Leesburg, VA


There's another thing I wanted to show you. You have two skylights here. The homeowner's  complaining about having an old water stain next to the skylight so she wanted me to check it out. On the flashing everything looked fine, but I did notice something right away.

The ridge vent up here is on the verge of coming off. It's a shingle vent too, it's a plastic one, and they never nailed it into the rafters. When there's a heavy downpour or a driving rain, that water can very easily get underneath that ridge vent, curl underneath the shingles, and now the water is traveling down the roof in between the shingles and the felt, and then it will settle at the skylight.

The water is not going to stop there. The water will continue down the roof, go underneath the valley, and then it will leak over here in the corner as well. What we need to do is take that ridge vent off. We're going to install ice and water shield underneath it but make sure not to cover the open breather, and then we're going to reinstall the ridge vent and put new cap shingles.

I need to check these skylights out a little bit more carefully. I see somebody sealed where the glass and the metal frame meet with a cheap caulk and that's also coming off. We're going to scrape the old caulk, seal it with polyurethane, and then everything will be fine.

These skylights are known to develop leaks right here because of fractures and you can see there's a fracture there as well, so we'll seal all the corners. This is what was talking about. You can see it's all deteriorated. We need to seal completely around the perimeter. My name is Steve, Roofer 911.

Roofer911 provides roof repair services in Leesburg, Virginia, and all areas of Northern Virginia.

The Source Of A Skylight Leak In Leesburg, VA first appeared on

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