Friday, May 27, 2016

Gutter Screening Causes A Roof Leak In Arlington VA


Hi, this is Steve I'm Roofer911.

I'm at a home in Arlington Virginia, and they have a problem mowing the front lawn. Thankfully for now they don't have a leak because the repairs that were done by a previous contractor were just done recently.

You can see the way the shingles are all curling up. What will happen is when it rains really heavy, the water comes down the roof and the water can actually pond here, and then the water can back up and then it will seep right though the sides of the nail right there.

What we need to do is just refasten the weather screening and then we're just going to seal across the top of the weather screening and press the shingle into place. This way it'll lay perfectly flat.

There's about fifty feet of gutter that we need to repair in the front, and we have the same problem in the back, but not as bad. Now they also have another leak and it's right around this vent. They put some cement over here, but most likely there's nails in the flashing over here on the backside.

Another thing, very important, is they installed the shingles wrong over here.You can see the flashing is all exposed, and then look here. The water gets in through the keys and the water just gets underneath the flashing. Then the water can seep right through the side of the nail and into the house.

We're gonna take this vent off, and we're just gonna replace it with a new one. Then we'll install ice and water shield completely around the vent. Everything else on this roof is good. Let me just check this vent pipe. Yeah, everything up here is good.

If you have any questions I can be reached at 703-475-2446 and again, my name is Steve.

Roofer911 provides roof repair services in Arlington VA, and all areas of Northern Virginia.

Gutter Screening Causes A Roof Leak In Arlington VA first appeared on

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