Friday, June 10, 2016

Roof Inspection And Repair In Clifton VA


Hi, this is Steve from Roofer 911.

I'm on a roof in Clifton, Virginia, and the homeowner has a leak that's right down at the corner. There's a few different things that's causing the leak. The first thing I noticed is where the lower roof meets up against the wall, the contractor placed his nails too close to the wall, and by doing that, he damaged the step lashing underneath.

What we need to do is remove all the roofing material at both sides of the bowery. We're going to install ice and water shield that will go right along the entire length of the bowery. The vinyl siding is going to have to be removed because the last time this home leaked was during the melting snow. With the heavy snow up against a wall which was 36" from the last storm, with the weight of the snow pressing down on the roof, it forced the water to go up underneath the siding and the over the step flashing and inside the home.

Once we have the vinyl siding removed, we're going to install new 4" aluminum step flashing, then the wall, we're going to seal the wall with ice and water shield. Then we're going to put the siding back and re-shingle this area. The bowery, all the nails are going to be fastened at least 9" away from the bowery centerline.

Also, they have a water diverter here, and I noticed right at the keys, are these nails exposed at the key. That's also another problem. This diverter, we don't even need this. We're going to remove it, and re-shingle this area.

Everything above this area needs to be repaired, because when I did an infrared scan, I noticed there was moisture right up here, so that's improper installation of the bowery. The water's traveling down the wall inside the wall cavity between the vinyl siding and the drywall, and it's settled on the lower roof as well.

We need to fix all these penetrations. The shingles are going to be removed around these two vents, also the vent pipe flange. We'll install ice and water shield completely around the vents and then we'll re-shingle it.

Another thing is this gutter right here is improperly pitched. It's sagging right here in the middle. We need to take this gutter off for a reason, and we need to re-pitch it, but also the shingles here are curling up. The reason why they're lifting is because the fascia board behind the gutter is up too high. With that heavy downpour or melting snow, the water actually ponds at that first course where it's sagging, and the water can go uphill and underneath the shingles.

What we'll do is, we're going to install ice and water shield underneath the shingles about six lines up, and then the ice and water shield is going to go behind the gutter also. This way, they don't have a leak from ice dam.

Also, where this roof meets the wall, we need to do the same thing as this. We're going to waterproof the wall with the ice and water shield, the flashing is going to be replaced with 4". This gutter here, the pitch of it is fine, so we're going to leave this one alone.

With this type of leak there's multiple sources that's causing the problem, so we need to focus on repairing each and every one of them, because if we don't, they will have this leak again.

My name is Steve, from Roofer 911, and we specialize in roof repair in Clifton and all areas of Northern Virginia. I can be reached at 703-475-2446. Thank you.


Roof Inspection And Repair In Clifton VA first appeared on

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